Sagittarius - The Archer (November 22--December 21)


You are nothing if not honest and straightforward in your approach to life and seek to achieve your goals directly. The key phrase to describe your outlook is - I see - since your perceptions of people and events and trends are likely to have an almost prophetic accuracy to them. You appear to to attract good fortune in life, generally the result of a genuine concern for others although you are incapable of not revealing your true thoughts. You tend to be well aware of what it is possible to do within the constraints of society but you have a love of freedom, both physical roaming and the freedom to explore new ideas and philosophies.
While you are generous to friends, you can be implacable with enemies and know how to shoot to wound. In anxiety states you can become depressed since you much prefer a jovial approach to life and wish to learn through experience and adventure rather than towing the line. You want to be respected for your achievements especially in the creative area.

Friends and lovers.

You value honesty in relationships both for yourself and for others and this includes being given freedom, a vital consideration for you. You choose your friends but not your lovers on impulse and are likely to gather a very diverse collection of people around you. You do have a tendency to not see these friendships through, for if you find you have lost interest you are unable to hold back your honest estimation of the situation. Although fundamentally serious there is nothing you like more than fun and laughter when in company which makes you a great friend once others have come up to your very high standards. Unwise hasty affairs are likely to characterise your early love life and it is only when you learn to take people and lovers on their own terms rather than your rather unrealistic ones that you will function on a more carefree level. You steer clear of jealousy and possessiveness realising it can interfere with your precious freedom when applied to you. For the same reason you are unlikely to get married early, variety of experience and romances is important to you until you find the elusive right one.

Sex drive.

Yours is a healthy outdoor kind of approach to sexual expression and you will start off seeing sexual freedom as as very important to you but most Sagittarians do eventually settle down after a rather chequered love life in youth. You are likely to be both sensual and flirtatious and seeking out a variety of partners, this can be taken to excess where free love and dislike of any restraint combines with a search for infinite sexual variety in sex partners and sex positions. However you are worried by what people say and think about you which provides some check on your quest for sexual gratification. Part of you seeks sensual experience for its own sake while the other half seeks uplifting experiences for the mind. The ideal partner you believe you are looking for will have to provide you with both.

(C) Dave Ryan of Kozmic Horoscopes
