
The Four Elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air

Direction: North
Astrological signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Planet: Saturn
Rules: the physical body, the earth, all growing things, animals, the material world. Physical cycles of birth and death. Money, fertility, sensuality.
Season: winter
Colors: black, green and white
Tool: pentacle
Feelings: stability, melancholy
All earth and fertility goddesses: Demeter, Ceres, Rhea, Rhiannon, Gaia

Direction: west
Astrological signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Planets: Moon and Venus
Rules: feelings, dreams, love, sorrow, lakes, the sea, all water, fluidity, unboundedness, psychic skills. Love, fertility (with Earth), family (mother-centered).
Season: autumn
Colors: blue, blue-green, grey, indigo, sea green
Tool: cup
Feelings: love, fear
All sea goddesses: Aphrodite, Isis, Mari

Direction: south
Astrological signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Planets: Sun and Mars
Rules: energy, action, courage, impulsiveness, grand schemes, fires, purification, sexual passion, deserts, volcanoes.
Season: summer
Colors: red, gold, crimson, orange
Tool: wand
Feelings: passion, anger
All fire goddesses: Brigit, Hestia, Vesta

Direction: east
Astrological signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Planets: Mercury, Jupiter (as a planet of learning and philosophy).
Rules: thought, communication, energy, speed, theory, learning. Mountains, plains, high towers, wind and breath.
Season: spring
Colors: yellow, white, silver, blue-grey
Tool: sword
Feelings: joy, worry
All air goddesses: Urania, Arianrhod, Aradia, Nuit

The Planets - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn

Astrological sign: Leo
Day: Sunday
Colors: gold, yellow
Incenses: solar, juniper, rosemary, marigold, chamomile, cloves, frankincense, cinnamon, angelica, musk, amber, myrrh, orange, lemon
Jewel: topaz
Rules: the heart, success, leadership, courage, expansion, optimism, creativity, growth, children
Key words: authority, bright, honor, warm, regal

Astrological sign: Cancer
Day: Monday
Colors general: white, silver; new moon: silver; full moon: red; dark moon: black
Incenses: jasmine, poppy, myrtle, ylang ylang, white sandalwood
Jewel: moonstone, pearl, crystal
Rules: the reproductive cycle, fertility, psychic skills, dreams, creativity, birth
New moon: maiden, beginnings, initiation, birth, virginity
Full moon: mother, fecundity, creativity, sexuality, maturity
Dark moon: crone, old age, death, wisdom, solitude, endings
Key words: fluidity, change, dreamy, nocturnal, moist, womanly

Astrological sign: Gemini and Virgo
Day: Wednesday
Colors: metallic, changeable colors
Incenses: lavender, valerian, mandrake, licorice, aniseed, mace, sandalwood (some give this to Mercury rather than the moon)
Jewel: agate, topaz
Rules: ideas, communication by speech or writing, quickness, thievery, deception, humor
Key words: busy dual, alert, adaptive, nervous, speedy

Astrological signs: Taurus, Libra
Day: Friday
Color: green
Incenses: red sandalwood, almond oil, bergamot, jasmine, rose, pennyroyal, violet, verbena, strawberry, apple, mint, mugwort, elder, thyme, lily of the valley
Jewels: emerald, coral, lapis lazuli
Rules: love, sexual passion, friendship, harmony, beauty, creativity, sweetness, pleasure, indulgence
Key words: amorous, elegant, frivolous, peaceful, loving

Astrological signs: Aries, Scorpio
Day: Tuesday
Color: red
Incenses: ginger, pepper, wormwood, all hallucinogens, garlic, sarsaparilla, patchouli, cannabis, nettle, tobacco, myrrh, hops, hawthorn
Jewels: bloodstone, garnet, ruby
Rules: warfare, strife, energy, sport, courage, recklessness, aggression, passion, desire
Key words: struggle, anger, energy, courage, discord

Astrological signs: Sagittarius, Pisces
Day: Thursday
Colors: magenta, purple
Incenses: dandelion, agrimony, borage, limeflowers, sage, melissa, red clover, meadowsweet, hyssop, orris root
Jewels: amethyst, turquoise
Rules: humor, riches, power, fame, success, leadership, the law, higher education, philosophy
Key words: benevolent, luxurious, prosperous, generous, rich, excessive

Astrological signs: Capricorn, Aquarius
Day: Saturday
Color: black
Incenses: aconite, comfrey, mullein, hemlock, henbane, mandrake, horsetail, nightshade, all bad-smelling herbs
Jewel: onyx
Rules: time, restriction, loneliness, old age, sorrow, limitation, death, obstacles
Key words: austere, conservative, prudent, cautious, mean, sober, profound, miserable

To make your own planetary or elemental incenses, mix herbs and oils of the planet or element together and compound on the planetary day. For example, a Solar incense, made on Sunday, might contain: marigold flowers, rosemary, juniper berries, orange peel, saffron, orris root, and chamomile oil.

Candles = Choose the candles you burn according to their color

White: peace, purifying
Yellow: money, health, attraction
Orange: happiness, health
Purple: concentration
Blue: cleansing
Green: health, purifying, happiness
Pink: love, sexual attraction
Red: courage, anger, passion
Brown: to dispel sorrow, for growing plants
Black: hexing, returning bad vibes
Silver: clairvoyance, astral traveling, spell-making

Anointing Oils

Use these essential oils to anoint your candles before lighting them and to anoint your body. They work on the deep mind. Try to buy them as undiluted as possible. Don't use synthetic oils.

Carnation: for developing spiritual life, purifying and elevating
Geranium: active, daring, to get what you want
Frankincense: spiritual power, meditation, clairvoyance
Heliotrope: heady, narcotic, aphrodisiac
Honeysuckle: thinkers, communicators, dreamy
Hyacinth: rash, quixotic, unstable, airy
Jasmine: heady, aphrodisiac, lucky, for success
Lavender: calming, soothing, expanding
Lily of the Valley: shy, retiring, delicate, sensitive
Musk: strong willed, sensual, erotic, intense
Myrrh: magical, uplifting, psychic, sweet smelling, heady
Patchouli: passionate, obsessive, heady, narcotic
Rose: sensual, loving, harmonious, old fashioned, safe
Rosemary: bold, courageous, energetic, unusual, protective
Sandalwood: erotic, sensual, clairvoyant, harmonizing
Verbena: strong, resilient, farseeing
Violet: delicate, sweet, harmonious, balanced
Ylang Ylang: heady, narcotic, sensual, erotic
