

Element: Air
Color: Yellow (white, blue-white, pastels)
Time: Dawn
Season: Spring
Zodiacal Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Tool: Wand, Censer, Staff
Elemental: Sylph, Zephyr
Angel: Michael
Wind: Eurus
King: Nuada, Gwydion
Queen: Arianrhod
Weapon: The Sword of Nuada
Item: Arrow
Sense: Smell
Jewel: Topaz
Plant: Frankincense, Myrrh, Pansy, Vervain, Violet, Yarrow
Tree: Aspen
Goddess Aspects: Aradia, Arianrhod, Cardea, Nut, Urania
God Aspects: Enlil, Khephera, Mercury, Shu, Thoth
Power: To Know (noscere); The Power of Life
Magical Aspects: The Mind; All Mental, Intuitive, Psychic Work; Knowledge, Abstract Learning, Intellect, Theory; Wind and Breath; Hospitality, Benefit


Element: Water
Color: Blue (black, gray, blue-green, green, indigo)
Time: Twilight
Season: Autumn
Zodiacal Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Tool: Chalice, Cauldron
Elemental: Undine, Nymph
Angel: Raphael
Wind: Zephyrus
King: Dagda, Dylan
Queen: Dana, Boann
Weapon: The Cauldron of Dagda
Item: Cup
Sense: Taste
Jewel: Aquamarine
Plant: Ferns, Lotus, Moss, Rushes, Seaweed, Water Lily
Tree: Willow
Goddess aspects: Aphrodite, Isis, Marianme, Mari, Tiamat, Yemaya
God aspects: Dylan, Llyr, Manannon, Osiris, Poseidon, Neptune
Power: To Dare (audere); The Power of Love
Magical Aspects: Emotions, Feeling, Love, Courage, Daring, Sorrow, The Unconscious, Learning, Storytelling


Element: Earth
Color: Green (dark green, brown, white, black)
Time: Midnight
Season: Winter
Zodiacal Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Tool: Pentacle, Black Mirror
Elemental: Gnome, Kobold
Angel: Gabriel
Wind: Boreas, Ophion
King: Fal, Cernunnos
Queen: Blodwen, Anu
Weapon: Lia Fal (the Stone of Fal)
Item: Shield
Sense: Touch
Jewel: Quartz
Plant: Comfrey, Ivy, Grass
Tree: Oak
Goddess aspects: Ceres, Demeter, Gaea, Mah, Nephthys, Persephone, Prithvi, Rhea, Rhiannon
God aspects: Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Cernunnos, Dionysus, Marduk, Pan, Tammuz
Power: To Keep Silent (tacere); The Power of Law
Magical Aspects The Body, Growth, Nature, Sustenance, Material Gain, Money, Creativity, Birth, Death, Mystery, Silence, Structure, Struggle, Pride, Conflict, Prosperity, Success


Element: Fire
Color: Red (orange, crimson, gold)
Time: Noon
Season: Summer
Zodiacal Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Tool: Sword, Athame
Elemental: Salamander, Firedrake, Newt
Angel: Ariel
Wind: Notus
King: Lugh, Bel
Queen: Brid
Weapon: The Spear of Lugh
Item: Rod
Sense: Sight
Jewel: Fire Opal
Plant: Garlic, Hibiscus, Mustard, Nettle, Onion, Red Poppy, Red Pepper
Tree: Almond (in flower) Goddess aspects: Brid, Hestia, Vesta, Pele
God aspects: Agni, Hephaestus, Vulcan, Horus, Prometheus, Goibniu, Weyland the Smith
Power: To Will (velle); The Power of Light
Magical Aspects: Blood, Energy, Spirit, Heat, Flame, Sap, Life, Will, Healing/Destroying, Purification, Fertility, Music
