Plants and their magickal properties J-O


Hawthorn: Fertility, Chastity, Fishing Magic, Happiness
Hazel: Luck, Fertility, Anti-Lightning, Protection, Wishes
Heather: Protection, Rain Making, Luck
Heliotrope: Exorcism, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Wealth, Invisibility
Hellebore, Black: Protection
Hemlock: Destroy Sexual Drive
Hemp: Healing, Love, Vision, Meditation
Henbane: Love Attraction
Henna: Healing
Hibiscus: Lust, Love, Divination
Hickory: Legal Matters
High John the Conqueror: Money, Love, Success, Happiness
Holly: Protection, Anti-Lightning, Luck, Dream Magic, Balance
Honesty: Money, Repelling Monsters
Honeysuckle: Money, Psychic Powers, Protection
Hops: Healing, Sleep
Horehound: Protection, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Healing
Horse Chestnut: Money, Healing
Horseradish: Purification, Exorcism
Horsetail: Snake Charming, Fertility
Houndstongue: Tying Dog's Tongues
Houseleek: Luck, Protection, Love
Huckleberry: Luck, Protection, Dream Magic, Hex Breaking
Hyacinth: Love, Protection, Happiness
Hydrangea: Hex Breaking
Hyssop: Purification, Protection
Indian Paint Brush: Love
Iris: Purification, Wisdom
Irish Moss: Money, Luck, Protection
Ivy: Protection, Healing
Jasmine: Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams
Jobs Tears: Healing, Wishes, Luck
Joe-Pye Weed: Love, Respect
Juniper: Protection, Anti-Theft, Love, Exorcism, Health
Kava-Kave: Visions, Protection, Luck
Knotweed: Binding, Health
Ladys mantle: Love
Ladys slipper: Protection
Larch: Protection, Anti-Theft
Larkspur: Health, Protection
Lavender: Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity, Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace
Leek: Love, Protection, Exorcism
Lemon: Longevity, Purification, Love, Friendship
Lemongrass: Repel snakes, Lust, Psychic Powers
Lemon Verbena: Purification, Love
Lettuce: Chastity, Protection, Love, Divination, Sleep
Licorice: Love, Lust, Fidelity
Life Everlasting: Longevity, Health, Healing
Lilac: Exorcism, Protection, Beauty
Lily: Protection, Breaking Love spells
Lily of the Valley: Mental Powers, Happiness
Lime: Healing, Love, Protection
Linden: Protection, Immortality, Luck, Love, Sleep
Liquidamber: Protection
Liverwort: Protection, Love
Looestrife: Peace, Protection
Lotus: Protection, Lock-Opening
Lovage: Love
Love Seed: Love, Friendship
Lucky Hand: Employment, Luck, Protection, Money, Travel
Mace: Psychic Powers, Mental Powers
Magnolia: Fidelity
Mahogany, Mountain: Anti-Lightning
Maidenhair: Beauty, Love
Male Fern: Luck, Love
Mallow: Love, Protection, Exorcism
Mandrake: Protection, Love, Money, Fertility, Health
Maple: Love, Longevity, Money
Marigold: Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Business and Legal Matters, Psychic Powers
Marjoram: Protection, Love, Happiness, Health, Money, Healing
Master Wort: Strength, Courage, Protection
Mastic: Psychic Powers, Manifestations, Lust
May Apple: Money
Meadow Rue: Divination
Meadowsweet: Love, Divination, Peace, Happiness
Mesquite: Healing
Mimosa: Protection, Love, Prophetic Dreams, Purification
Mint: Money, Love, Luck, Healing, Exorcism, Travel, Protection
Mistletoe: Protection, Love, Hunting, Fertility, Health, Exorcism
Moonwort: Money, Love
Moss: Luck, Money
Mugwort: Strength, Psychic Powers, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Astral Projection
Mulberry: Protection, Strength
Mullein: Courage, Protection, Health, Love, Divination, Exorcism
Mustard: Fertility, Protection, Mental Powers
Myrrh: Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Spirituality
Myrtle: Love, Fertility, Youth, Peace, Money
Nettle: Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Lust
Norfolk Island Pine: Protection, anti hunger
Nuts: Fertility, Prosperity, Love, Luck
Oak: Protection, Health, Money, Healing, Potency, Fertility, Luck
Oats: Money
Olive: Healing, Peace, Fertility, Potency, Protection, Lust
Onion: Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Money, Prophetic Dreams, Lust
Orange: Love, Divination, Luck, Money
Orchid: Love
Oregon Grape: Money, Prosperity
Orris Root: Love, Protection, Divination
