Planetary Oils

To make your oil blend apply to a more specific purpose, you can select oils from planetary correspondances in addition to or instead of elemental correspondances.

Sun - Lifepath, Primary Goals, Upward Movement, Growth, Healing, Wellbeing, Men's Magick, the God

Orange - expansive, sweet scent. Promotes confidence and enthusiasm. For Male mysteries and the God.

Moon - Emotional Wellbeing, Internal Balance, Love, Women's Magick, the Goddess

Jasmine - penetratingly sweet floral scent. Promotes love, dispells unhappiness, fear and anxiety. Women's mysteries and the Goddess as Maiden or Mother.

Mercury - The Mind, Change, Swiftness, Thought, Learning, Speech, Communication

Rosemary - penetrating medicinal odor - healing, clear thinking, memory, communication.

Lavender - light, clean scent, stimulates mental ability, balances emotions, calms anger and fear.

Venus - Love, Beauty, Harmony, Creativity, Fertility, Friendship, Romance, Compassion, Women

Rose - complex, strong floral, familiar and fresh. Women's mysteries, love passion, patient strength. All three faces of the Goddess.

Bergamot - floral/fruity scent, encourages good feelings, prosperity and happiness.

Mars - Desire, Assertiveness, Will, Determination, Action, Agressions, Conflicts, Defence, Passion, Men

Pine - woodsy scent. courage, honor, Men's magicks, cleansing

Clove Bud - warm, familiar scent, stimulates appetite, encourages action, energizes any mixture.

Jupiter - Prosperity, Influence, Reputation, Authority, Power, Might, Gods and Goddesses, Luck, Favor

Frankincense - warm, balsamic odor. Comforting, spiritual, inspiring, Ceremonial religions, Structured ritual. Lends strength to any mixture.

Saturn - Structure, Lessons, Eldership, Wisdom, Limitations, Binding, Real Estate/Land, Endings

Myrrh - dry, musty scent with a hint of bitterness. Aids in manifestation of desired ends.

Patchouli - Dark, earthy scent. Helps to manifest results in any endeavor.

Uranus - Changes, Future, Technology, Transpersonal Issues, Hope, Potential, Freedom, Unbinding

Sandalwood - dry, zesty scent - calming, inspiring, purifying. Helps loosen hardened emotions/attitudes to allow growth.

Neptune - Dreams, Visions, Psychic Skills, Illusions, Intoxication, Ecstasy, Inspiration

Clary Sage - Pungent, warm dark odor with a tang, visions, dreams, psychic ability, intuition, imagination, telepathy, physical spirituality, sacred sex.

Pluto - Ancestral Memory, Ancient Knowledge, Danger, Death, Karma, Opposition, Secrets

Vetiver - cool, musty deep scent, profoundly relaxing, promotes sleep and deep dreams. Also useful to promote, deep, smouldering passion, enhances mystery, enables personal tranformation, and assists with grief processing.
