8 parts southernwood (no substitutions)
4 parts lavender
2 parts benzoin
2 parts sandalwood
1 drop sweet pea or violet oil
Mix well. To make KEEP AWAY HATE incense, add 1 part slippery elm and a tiny pinch of dragon's blood to the above.
4 parts southernwood
2 parts sandalwood
1 part dragon's blood
1 part cinquefoil
1 or 2 drops rose oil
Mix well.
FAST MONEY (this is for survival money, not to feed greed)
3 parts pine rosin or powdered pine needles
1 part nutmeg
1 part cinnamon
1 part sassafras
1 drop honeysuckle oil in 3 to 6 drops honey
(mix all this extra-well.)
PROSPERITY (with a FERTILITY variation)
2 parts nutmeg
2 parts sandalwood
2 parts minced dried fig
1 part cinnamon
1 part honey
a pinch of hawthorn leaf if for fertility
a splash of peach brandy/cordial, just enough to moisten
Mix well in a waxing moon and let dry before bottling. For fertility,
burn this incense during lovemaking.
In 2 oz. high-proof vodka or rubbing alcohol, place:
1 drop gardenia oil
1/2 drop lavender oil
1 tsp. extract or tincture of cucumber if available, or 1 drop cucumber oil
Dilute with 6 oz. spring water and store in fridge.
SPRING (for vibe-cleaning your house after winter)
1 part bay
1 part benzoin
1 part lavender
1 part cedar
a small pinch of thyme
2 parts white sage (Native American type, not culinary sage!)
1 part patchouli
1 part dried oak leaf
1 part lavender
a pinch of copal if desired
HEALER'S powder
In a blender, finely powder:
4 parts dried white rose petals, fragrant if possible
2 parts dried ash leaves
1 part rosemary
This will take time to do thoroughly! Then add 4 to 6 parts baby powder, mix well, and store in a lidded glass jar. It's a pretty pale green with an attractive light, fresh scent, and can be used by anointing, blowing, massage, etc. Or you can cast a circle, trance lightly, raise power and draw healing or Reiki symbols/pictures for a person who is not present.
(DON'T use as emergency dusting-powder on chafed skin even if it's 2 a.m. and you're out of baby powder and can't sleep, though...there will still be occasional tiny, angular bits of ash-leaf intact in the powder, and you WILL regret it. Trust me, I learned this the hard way.
~source unknown~
Born Again Incense
3 parts frankincense
1 part mullein
1 part chrysanthemums
Burn when distraught over the passing of friend or loved one.
Exorcism Incense
3 parts frankincense
1 part rosemary
1 part bay
1 part avens
1 part mugwort
1 part St. John's Wort
1 part angelica
1 part basil
Burn with open windows to drive out evil.
Full Moon Incense
2 parts sandalwood
2 parts frankincense
1 Part gardenia petals
1 Part rose petals
Few drops ambergris oil.
House Purification Incense
3 parts frankincense
2 parts dragons blood
1 part myrrh
1 part sandalwood
1 part wood betony
1 Part dill seed
A few drops rose geranium oil
Burn in a new home before moving, and burn about once a month.
Praying Incense #1
1 part frankincense
2 parts sandalwood
2 tablespoons vanilla extract.
Combine together and mix well. Burn by sprinkling incense directly over hot piece of charcoal. This is ideal for spiritual workings, praying, banishing negative vibrations, calming, attracting beneficial spirits.
Praying Incense #2
4 parts frankincense
2 parts myrrh
2 parts Benzoin
1 part sandalwood
1 part cinnamon
1 Part rose petals
1 Part vervain
1 Part rosemary
1 part bay
Combine together and mix well. Burn by sprinkling incense directly over hot
piece of charcoal. This is ideal for spiritual workings, praying, banishing
negative vibrations, calming, attracting beneficial spirits.
Praying Incense #3
3 parts frankincense
2 parts myrrh
1 part cinnamon
Combine together and mix well. Burn by sprinkling incense directly over hot piece of charcoal. This is ideal for spiritual workings, praying, banishing negative vibrations, calming, attracting beneficial spirits.
Prosperity Incense
Galangal root
Grind 3 generous pinches of each of the herbs. Each time you add an herb, say:
1st pinch:
"Herb of _____, I awaken you and ask for the use of your power in perfect
peace and perfect love."
2nd pinch:
" _____, help me to bring money and prosperity into my life and the lives of
those dear to me."
3rd pinch:
"For free will of all and harm to none, as I will it, so mote it be.
Protection Incense #1
2 parts frankincense
1 part copal
1-part dragons blood
Protection Incense #2
2 parts frankincense
1-part dragons blood
1 Part wood betony
1 part Rosemary
Showers of Fire Incense
8 to 10 parts potassium nitrate
2 parts sulfur
2 parts charcoal and
7 parts fine powdered iron fillings.
Combine and mix well. Ignite in special vessel or on flat plate or dish.
Stand back and watch it erupt like a volcano. Be very careful!
Special Power Incense
1 part frankincense
1 part sandalwood
1 Part charcoal
1 Part myrrh
1 part wbabba (wood base)
1 part powdered patchouli
1 part powdered vanilla bean
2 parts grated orange peel
Add 2 tablespoons vanilla
1/4 ounce rose oil
2 tablespoons water
Green dye
Combine dry ingredients. Add vanilla extract, rose oil and water.
Optional: Add green dyes while you mix again until dark green. This is ideal for bringing forth-psychic powers.
Spring Incense
1. Boil = cup water. Dissolve 50 parts salt peter into water. Should be 2% salt peter solution. Pour a little of this at a time into 830 parts charcoal until drenched with saltpeter solution. Then, let charcoal dry. Add 20 parts tragacanth to remainder of 2% saltpeter solution until mixture is smooth and creamy. Strain tragacanth mixture through cheesecloth to remove all lumps.
Add 100 parts crystallized phenol and your preferred amount of wintergreen oil. Mix well. Add above mixture to charcoal a little at a time until you have a clay-like mass you can shape into balls/cones. 2. 3 parts frankincense, 2 parts sandalwood, 1 part Benzoin, 1 part cinnamon, a few drops patchouli oil
Success Incense
1 part bay
5 parts Orris root
35 parts frankincense
50 parts cinnamon
3 parts patchouli leaves
Grind into fine powder. You may have to sift through strainer or put in blender.
Option: Stir 3 teaspoons potassium nitrate into 1 cup boiling water. Stir until completely dissolved. Combine dry ingredients into wet. This will make clay like substance. Shape clay into balls to throw on your fire.
Winter Incense
3 parts lavender buds
3 parts cloves
3 parts cinnamon
4 parts Orris root
4 parts Storax
3 parts eucalyptus
3 parts rose
7 parts cedar wood
Grind to a fine powder. Add green dye until light green (not too dark)
Pagan Power Incense (For Ritual Energy)
1 T cinnamon
1 T anise seed
1 t nutmeg
1 t ginger
1 t dry lemon peel
1 t lemon extract
1 t peppermint extract
Dry petals of 3 white roses
Riches and Favors Incense (Burn when you need favors and wealth)
2 parts Benzoin
1 part wood aloe
1/2 part pepperwort
1/2 part clove
Love Incense
(To attract love, strengthen love you have, to expand your ability to give and receive love)
2 parts sandalwood
1/2 part basil
1/2 part bergamot
A few drops rose oil
A few drops lavender oil
Kitchen Witch Incense (House Blessing)
2 T dry lemon peel
1 T rosemary
1 T almond extract
1 t cinnamon
1 pinch garlic skins
1 t anise seed
1 t allspice
1 t coconut extract
1 pinch salt
Business Incense (To attract customers)
2 parts Benzoin
1 part cinnamon
1 part basil
Midsummer Incense #1:
Recipe by Scott Cunningham
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Mugwort
1 part Chamomile
1 part Gardenia Petals
a few drops Rose Oil
a few drops Lavender Oil
a few drops Yarrow Oil
Burn at Wiccan rituals at the Summer Solstice (circa June 21st) or at that time to attune with the seasons and the Sun.
Midsummer Incense #2:
Recipe by Scott Cunningham
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Dragon's Blood
1 part Thyme
1 part Rosemary
1 pinch Vervain
a few drops Red Wine
Another like the above.
(Both of the above recipes for "Midsummer Incense #1 and #2" are quoted directly from Scott Cunningham's book "The Complete Book of Incenses, Oils &Brews", page 80, Llewellyn Publications, 1989/1992.)